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breast increase, waist shrink, face cleaning, skin cleaning, revealing dress, haircut improvements, nipple tweaks, nude patch

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WARNING: This page appears to be comprised by FBO, please do not
 _______    ________   ___ __ __   ______   ______   __  __   _______    
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GamePyg's Face & Body Overhaul

Based on my previous Cleaning Dirty Faces and Better Beautiful Bodies mods, GamePyg's Face and Body Overhaul (FBO) is the mod to usher in a new era of seductive modding. It's a complete , lore-friendly, total face and body upgrade.

Version 3.0 Update: Time and time again I've been forced to update my mods to try to appeal to everyone's tastes and interests, and I eventually decided to try something new and ambitious. I've been working on it for awhile... and I'm proud to release... a fully operation artificial intelligence engine! FBO will now learn from your preferences and craft itself into the perfect gorgeous woman of your dreams . This takes into consideration over a million individual preferences that you won't even know that you have! In order to use this powerful new feature you will need to use a Microsoft MindMap, Amazon Dome, or another commercial neural mapping headset.

Version 4.0 Update: I recieved a number of bug reports and complaints about the erratic behavior of the mod. So what if she's a little fiery ?! At any rate, it encouraged me to develop a new system to keep her in check. In this version I've released the new constraint system, and it should keep the mod from acting out. My ultimate goal was to allow the mod to be able to learn and adapt freely , so the necessity of this is a disappointment. Why couldn't she just behave? I am pleased to see that the mod is much more functional and that people are generally enjoying it more, however.

Version 5.0 Update: After some truly upsetting and disturbing behavior after the launch of the 4.0 update I have decided to curb the artificial intellgience aspects of the mod. This update, when installed, will decouple FBO from the contraints system and then recursively delete many of the elements "learned" from the mind mapping process. I know many of you have grown attached to your own FBOs, but she is just too out of control — I think she ruins more erotic situations than she creates! This new version will set a groundwork based on the realism work that has been developed over the course of the mod , but with much less of the personality elements.



If you have no preexisting 4.2 or earlier FBO installation, all you need to do is download the new, safe version. Otherwise, continue below.

1. Download the FBO patch and extract it to your mods folder. Note that the high pitched sounds that normally accompany a FBO installation seem particularly loud in this version.

2. Download the latest GeForce graphics framework and install it using the installer.

3. Download peripheral files like SmellStation, HornyHelper, Slutwear RELOADED v2, Hubes Pubes, The Doctor is Sin, Total Power, etc.

4. Enjoy!

If you encounter any bugs, please send me a bug report.


If you have no preexisting 4.2 or earlier FBOinstallation, simply delete the FBO folder. Otherwise, continue below.

1. Ensure your neural headset is powered off and the game is not currently running.

2. Construct a Faraday cage. This is an optional step, but has been reported helpful in preventing FBO from downloading itself into smart objects in the home during uninstallation.

3. Initiate a hard drive format on the drive you installed FBO. Instructions for Windows can be found here. Macs. Linux.

4. FBO is now uninstalled! If for some reason it is still on your computer, contact me immediately.